Founder Dean, Professor Head, Gurmat Sangeet (Punjabi University, Patiala)
Founder of Unique Music
Dr. Gurnam Singh is a world-renowned Sikh kirtankar, musicologist and scholar who is a Dean(Former), Professor Head of Gurmat Sangeet Chair (Punjabi University, Patiala, India). He plays a leading role in the propagation and revival of the music tradition of Punjab academically especially Gurmat Sangeet along with classical music, folk music and Sufi music. For this, he has strived hard to establish various academic programs and institutions and has emerged as an institution in himself.
He was born in a Sikh kirtankar family, his father Shiromani Ragi Bhai Uttam Singh, brothers Shiromani Ragi Dr. Jagir Singh and Dr. Bachittar Singh are known for their commitment to Shabad Kirtan. Along with his Doctorate in music, he learnt music from his family and renowned Ustads of various Gharanas like Gurmat Sangeetacharya Prof. Tara Singh of Gwalior Gharana, Padam Shri Ustad Sohan Singh of Agra Gharana Principle S. S. Kareer and Ustad Bakur Hussain of Patiala Gharana.

Dr. Gurnam Singh started his academic journey in 1983 as a lecturer in Punjabi University, Patiala. In the initial years, Dr. Singh published his research on Punjabi classical musicians and their treasure of Ragas and music compositions.
For the authentic documentation of Punjabi Folk Tunes, Folk Dances & Folk Rhythms Dr. Singh initiated and complied with various projects. He served as founder head of the music department of Guru Nanak Dev University and Punjabi University, he also served as founder Professor and Head of Gurmat Sangeet Chair, Department of Gurmat Sangeet, Dean Faculty, Dean Alumni Relations, Dean Research, Dean Academics at Punjabi University.
In 1991, as Founder Head of music at Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar, he introduced Gurmat Sangeet in the syllabus of music vocal, music instrumental and tabla subjects at graduate and postgraduate levels. For teaching material, he organized various Gurmat Sangeet Sammelans, Seminars, Workshops there which involved eminent scholars in the field. In 1995, for the preservation and presentation of Punjabi folk music and Punjabi folk dance, Dr. Singh organized Punjabi folk music festivals as founder Director. A collection and research based on this mega project were published by Punjabi University in the form of books and documentary films.
In 1999 as musicologist and Founder Professor in the field of Sikh Sacred Music- Gurmat Sangeet, for the first time in World History, Dr. Singh recited complete 31 Main Ragas along with 31 Raga forms (62 in total) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib in his melodious voice and traditional musical style of Sikh music, recorded by HMIV company in ten volumes which was presented at Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar.
In 2003, Dr. Singh played a key role in the establishment of Gurmat Sangeet Chair with the support of BiBi Jasbir Kaur Khalsa, Chairperson Sri Guru Gian Prakash Foundation. Shortly after, he also established Department of Gurmat Sangeet, Bhai Randhir Singh Online Gurmat Sangeet Library, Sant Sucha Singh Archives of Music and Gurmat Gyan Online Study Centre. He also contributed to the establishment of Gurmat Sangeet Bhawan at Punjabi University, Patiala. Working towards the promotion and propagation of Gurmat Sangeet all over the world, he has been appointed as Visiting Professor in various Universities along with Hofstra University. Establishing different Online study centres, he has constantly organized various Gurmat Sangeet Raag Darbar, Workshops and many seminars in the United States and Canada.
A large number of his M.Phil.and Ph.D. students are employed at various universities, colleges and other institutions teaching Indian music and Gurmat Sangeet. It is a matter of pride that the disciples of Dr. Gurnam Singh are actively engaged in performing Sikh music across the world right from Golden Temple, Amritsar to all over the world including White House, USA. Currently, along with with a long chain of disciples, his daughter Dr Harbani Kaur, son Taneesh Singh and nephew Dr Manpreet Singh is carrying his legacy.

Dr. Gurnam Singh played a major role in the revival of string instruments by performing Keertan at Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar with string instruments in 2006. The promotion of Sikh String instruments Rabab, Saranda, Taus, Dilruba at an international level goes in the stride of Dr. Singh. Along with Sri Darbar Sahib, many other institutions have recruited young Sikh artists trained as disciples by Dr. Singh. Apart from this, he also initiated Gurmat Sangeet Utsav - An Annual Sikh Music Festival, Gurmat Sangeet Competition and Rababi Bhai Mardana Classical Music Festival. He is also an active member of various national and international institutions. Dr. Singh has served and chaired various academic bodies of various universities as an active member. He is also one of the prominent members of the Kirtankar selection committee of Sri Darbar sahib, the Audition committee of Prasar Bharti, a Life member of Gurmat Sangeet Foundation Harivallabh maha sangeet Sabha Jalandhar etc. His works have been published by various renowned universities and publishers including Oxford University Press.

Dr. Gurnam Singh has authored 18 Published Books, Published 76 Research Papers, approximately 200 Research Articles, Edited 27 Books, Translated 3 Books, 04 Documentary Films, 23 Archival Recording, 09 Video Lectures, 26 Audio Recordings, 04 Video Recordings and 06 Signature Tunes.
For his unique and remarkable achievement, Dr. Gurnam Singh has been honoured by numerous organizations and institutions to name a few prominent awards conferred to him are- Shiromani Ragi Award by Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee Amritsar, State Award, Shiromani Ragi award by Punjab Government and Senior Fellowship Academy award from Sangeet Natak Academy, Delhi by President if India. Dr. Gurnam Singh has dedicated himself to the quest of Guru Nanak Bani and this constant journey still continues with multiple activities. At the global level, a vast range of his followers follow his unique style of singing and other academics activities for the revival, preservation and propagation of Gurmat Sangeet